Last modified: February 20, 2025
School Improvement Status
Overarching District Goals
- Improve academic achievement by increasing both proficiency and growth scores.
- Improve the overall climate of our district for students and employees.
School Improvement Status
- Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI): No
- Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (ATSI): No
- Comprehensive Support Improvement (CSI): N/A
- ELA End of Year RISE Proficiency: 69.1% (Increase of 4.9%)
- Multilingual (ML): 27% (Decrease of 18%)
- Students with Disabilities: 29% (Decrease by 6%)
- Economically Disadvantaged Students: 51% (Increase by 3%)
Acadience Reading Proficiency
- K: 67%
- 1st: 72%
- 2nd: 85%
- 3rd: 85%
- 4th: 81%
- 5th: 86%
- 6th: 92%
MA end of year RISE proficiency was 71%.
- This was an increase of 1.7% from the previous year
- Multilingual (ML) 43% (2% gain)
- Students with disabilities 37% (9% decrease)
- Economically disadvantaged students 49% (1% gain)
Acadience Math Proficiency
- 1st: 48%
- 2nd: 67%
- 3rd: 67%
ACCESS Percentage of Students Who Met Proficiency
- 64.7%
School Climate Survey – Students
- Areas of celebration: TBD
- 1 – TBD
- 2 – TBD
- 3 – TBD
- An area for improvement:
- 1 – TBD
- ELA End of Year RISE Growth: 71% (Decrease of 2.1%)
- Multilingual (ML): 69% (9% Decrease)
- Students with Disabilities: 58% (4% Decrease)
- Economically Disadvantaged Students: 70% (2% Gain)
Acadience Reading Growth
- K: 53.9%
- 1st: 81.3%
- 2nd: 83.3%
- 3rd: 83.9%
- 4th: 70.5%
- 5th: 67.9%
- 6th: 81.4%
Ma End of Year RISE Growth was 80%.
- This was a decrease of 4% from the previous year
- Multilingual (ML): 79% (1% Gain)
- Students with Disabilities: 76% (3% Decrease)
- Economically Disadvantaged Students: 76% (1% Gain)
Acadience Math Growth
- 1st: 42.6%
- 2nd: 53.1%
- 3rd: 64%
ACCESS Percentage of Students Who Made Growth Goals
- 46%
School Climate Survey – Staff
- Areas of celebration:
- 1 – TBD
- 2 – TBD
- 3 – TBD
- An area for improvement:
- 1 – TBD
Specific Academic Goals
- During the 2024-25 school year, Edgemont Elementary School will provide support to teachers to improve Tier 1 instruction and also provide Tier 2 interventions for reading to support students performing below grade level. We will hire aides to run our research based intervention programs in reading. Using these resources, our goal is to increase end of year composite scores in reading in grades K-6 by at least 5%.
- During the 2024-25 school year, Edgemont Elementary School will provide support to teachers to improve Tier 1 instruction and also provide Tier 2 interventions for math to support students performing below grade level. We will hire aides to run our research based intervention programs in math. Using these resources, our goal is to increase end of year composite scores in math in grades 3-6 by at least 3%.
- By implementing our 5 year STEM integration plan from our school STEM designation and focusing on teacher supports for teaching Science, our goal is to increase our Science scores by 3% next school year.
- To support our Multi Language learners making progress and performing on grade level, we need an aide to help with ML interventions and support. With this additional support for our ML students, our goal is to have at least 75% of our ML students making proficient or better progress on the ELA RISE test in grades 3-6.
- In an effort to maintain the progress we have made in previous years in our French DLI students’ French proficiency, our goal is to continue providing French language Tier 2 interventions for our French DLI students. By providing Tier 2 support in the DLI target language, our goal is for each grade level to increase the students meeting the benchmarks in their grade level on the AAPPL test by 5%.
Action Plan & Implementation
- Meeting TSI Group Needs: Targeted interventions and strategies.
- Meeting ML Needs: Additional instructional support, aides, and translation tools.
- Parent Engagement Strategies: Communication via newsletters, incentives, and translation support.
- SWD Support: Resources and instructional accommodations.
- Professional Development Plan
Action Items
Hire aides and train them to use research-based Tier 3 interventions
- Goal Area: ELA
- Timeline: yearlong
- Cost: $60,000
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
Teacher training on Tier 1 & 2 best practices for ELA
- Goal Area: ELA
- Timeline: yearlong
- Cost: $5,000
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Substitutes
Teacher training on POP and Acadience Reading testing
- Goal Area: ELA
- Timeline: BOY, MOY, EOY
- Cost: $1,000.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
Hire aides for Tier 3 “Do the Math” program
- Goal Area: ELA
- Timeline: Aug-Sept 2024
- Cost: $40,000
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
Teacher training on STEM best practices as part of the school’s 5 year STEM integration implementation plan
- Goal Area: SCI
- Timeline: Quarterly
- Cost: $1,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Supplies
STEM classroom supplies & training
- Goal Area: SCI
- Timeline: Yearlong
- Cost: $10,000
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Supplies
Solution Tree PLC conference for teacher teams
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: October
- Cost: $6,000.00
- Funding Source: Tchr Quality
- Expenditure: Travel/Conference/Workshop
Hire an aide to support ML student interventions
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: October
- Cost: $1,000
- Funding Source: EARS 5364
- Expenditure: Substitutes
Hire an aide to support students in French DLI with French interventions
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: Yearlong
- Cost: $20,500.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
Monthly targeted staff PD on strategies for ML students
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: Yearlong
- Cost: $1,000.00
- Funding Source: EARS 5364
- Expenditure: Substitutes
Monthly targeted staff PD on strategies to support sped students in class
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: Yearlong
- Cost: $2,000
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
Specific School Climate Goals
- Reduce the number of incidents of physical aggression in grades 1 and 5 and reduce office referals by 5%.
- Increase attendance of students by 10%.
- Increase parent engagement and rates of participation in parent conferences for our ML students.
Action Plan & Implementation
- Meeting TSI Group Needs: Targeted interventions and strategies.
- Meeting ML Needs: Additional instructional support, aides, and translation tools.
- Parent Engagement Strategies: Communication via newsletters, incentives, and translation support.
- SWD Support: Resources and instructional accommodations.
- Professional Development Plan
Action Items
Provide second step training for teachers and provide incentives for classes that complete lessons each week
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: yearlong
- Cost: $2,500.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
Provide attendance incentives for students and families who are struggling to get to school. Attendance awards for attendance and improvement at monthly SOAR assemblies.
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: yearlong
- Cost: $$2,500.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
Provide translation for parents and students using the Time Kettle app and headphones. Purchase multiple sets of earphones
- Goal Area: ML
- Timeline: SEP conferences and throughout the year in classrooms
- Cost: $2,000.00
- Funding Source: EARS 5364 (ML Only)
- Expenditure: Supplies
Incentives for behavior charts of students who are struggling with physical aggression and other disruptive behaviors
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: All year
- Cost: $5,000.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
Summary of Expenditures
- General: $195,755.00 allocated, $23,000.00 in plan, $172,755.00 remaining.
- TSSA: $123,927.65 allocated, $91,000.00 in plan, $32,927.65 remaining.
- Landtrust: $101,990.69 allocated, $101,000.00 in plan, $990.69 remaining.
- EARS 5364 (ML Only): $3,336.00 allocated, $3,000.00 in plan, $336.00 remaining.
- TIII (ML): $0.00 allocated, $0.00 in plan, $0.00 remaining.
- Teacher Quality: $19,197.00 allocated, $6,000.00 in plan, $13,197.00 remaining.
Measurement of Goals & Stakeholder Involvement
Measurement of Goals
- Educators Handbook
- Spreadsheet of Second Step lessons taught
- Attendance tracking each quarter
- Attendance awards at monthly SOAR assemblies
Use of Additional Funds
- Additional funds will be used to hire intervention aides and buy STEM supplies.
Communication of Progress
- Progress will be communicated through:
- PTA meetings
- Community council meetings
- School leadership meetings
- Faculty meetings
- Social media
- School website
- Parent newsletters
Stakeholder Involvement
- The SIP was shared with leadership and the community council.
- It will also be shared with PTA and staff by the end of the school year.
Names & Roles of Contributors
- Principal: Harmony Kartchner
- Assistant Principal: Des Olsen
- Community Council Members:
- Michelle Shrader
- Natalie Okeson
- Alex Jensen
- Abbie Powell
- Cierra Hauver