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Provo City School District

Edgemont Elementary School

Dear Edgemont Parents,

Welcome back to another great week!  This week we have several grade levels with field trips.  Please be sure you’ve returned your field trip permission forms to your child’s teacher.  Just a reminder to not drop off your children before 8:15 am.  There is no supervision at the school before this time.  Our doors open at 8:15 am for students who would like to eat breakfast.  Anyone who doesn’t eat breakfast can go play on the back playground until 8:35 am, when their teachers will come pick up their class.

This year our School Community Council has two parent positions open. If you are interested in serving in one of these positions, please complete the online form here, by Tuesday, September 24.  If we have more than two parents interested we will hold parent voting on September 25 for the positions. The position is a two year commitment. Our meetings are held on the first and sometimes second Fridays of the month at 7:30 am in the Edgemont conference room.  More information about School Community Councils can be found at USBE School LAND Trust Website.

Have a great week! 

Monday, Sept 16: 

8:15 am – doors open – breakfast available

8:40 am – school day begins 3:20 pm – school day ends

Tuesday, Sept 17:

Constitution Day  7:30 am – Choir  8:15 am – doors open – breakfast available

8:40 am – school day begins 9:00 am- 5th & 6th grade STEM Fest field trip 3:20 pm – school day ends

Wednesday, Sept 18:

8:15 am – doors open – breakfast available

8:40 am – school day begins 3:20 pm – school day ends

Thursday, Sept 19:

7:30 am – Choir 8:15 am – doors open – breakfast available

8:40 am – school day begins 9:00 am – 4th grade field trip 9:00 am – 3rd grade field trip 3:20 pm – school day ends

3:20 pm – 5th & 6th Kindness club – gym

Friday, Sept 20:

School Spirit Friday – wear your Edgemont t-shirt 8:15 am – doors open – breakfast available 8:40 am – school day begins 3:20 pm – school day ends

Looking Ahead:

Sept 24 – 7:30 am – Choir Sept 26 – 7:30 am – Choir Sept 27 – 1:30 pm – Hope squad meeting Oct 1 – PTA Reflection Entries Due Oct 1  – 7:30 am – Choir Oct 3 – 7:30 am- Choir Oct 4 – 9:00 am K-3 SOAR assembly Oct 4 – 9:30 am 4-6 SOAR assembly Oct 4 – 1:30 pm – Hope Squad


Dear Edgemont Families, Welcome back to school!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Fall Break.  Here's what's happening at Edgemont this week.  Have a great week. Monday, Oct 21:  Fall Break -...

Dear Edgemont Families, This week is a short week as we approach Fall Break.  Provo's Fall Break this year will be from Thursday, Oct 17- Tuesday, Oct 22.  Enjoy your break and we'll see you on...

Dear Edgemont Families, Welcome to a great week at Edgemont Elementary.  Today our 6th grade student council will be attending a student council conference at BYU.  They are excited to go learn...
