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Provo City School District

Edgemont Elementary School

UVU offers a summer engineering program for 6th grade students called UVU PREP. It is a FREE, six-week summer program, designed to challenge high-achieving students going into 7th. 8th, and 9th grades. 

UVU PREP consists of a challenging academic curriculum which exposes students to advance concepts in math and science. The program partners with the nationally recognized PREP-USA to provide opportunities for underrepresented students to pursue their interests in STEM areas of study and future careers. 

UVU PREP”s three year curriculum provides rigorous academic instruction, educational hands-on projects, and challenging homework assignments with career awareness presentations each week. Applications are available online for 6th grade students.

Application deadline: January 31st, 2023

Program Schedule:

  • UVU Campus
  • Monday through Friday
  • 8:20 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. 
  • June 5- July 13, 2023

As a requirement of the program, students must have: 

  • Parental permission
  • 90% or better in mathematics class
  • A math teacher recommendation
  • A well written essay describing “Why do you want to attend UVU Prep?”
  • Attendance is required for 6 weeks during the summer with only 3 absences before dismissal. 

Dear Edgemont Families, Welcome back!  We're looking forward to a great week this week.  On Monday the U.S. Department of Education will be announcing our school's National Blue Ribbon Award. ...

Thank you so much for all the support with the Chocolate Fundraiser so far.  The kid's enthusiasm is contagious and the sales reflect their excitement.  The fundraiser will wrap up on September...

Dear Edgemont Parents, Welcome back to another great week!  This week we have several grade levels with field trips.  Please be sure you've returned your field trip permission forms to your...
