Dear Edgemont families, As Halloween approaches next Tuesday, we wanted to remind everyone about costume rules for school and our Halloween parade.
Halloween costumes
Children can wear costumes to school on Halloween day during the school day, but it is not required. If they wear a costume, please be sure the costume allows them to participate in regular classroom work, specialties classes, and recess. Please make sure costumes are appropriate for school
- No blood or gore
- No masks or hoods
- No weapons of any kind
The parade will begin at 1:00 pm Parents are invited to come watch their child in the parade by lining up outside around the perimeter of the building. Please refer to the map here for where to stand during the parade. After the admin picks up the classes, the student parade will head outside through the back doors of the school at around 1:20 p.m. Please be in a designated area (the x’s on the map) before 1:20 p.m. The arrows on the map indicate the direction the students will be walking (out the first-grade doors and around the school, going into the kindergarten doors).
If it rains, then parents will line up in the hallways through the school against the walls.
Class parties
Class parties will begin after the parade around 2:00 pm. Please contact your child’s teacher to find out how you can help with the class Halloween parade.
Thank you, and we look forward to a fun parade!