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Provo City School District

Edgemont Elementary School

Hi Edgemont Families,

Principals have been encouraged by Superintendent Dau to boost our communication with our community through our school and principal social media accounts.  To help increase our followers, we’re having a contest!  Our goal is to get 1200 followers on our Edgemont instagram @edgemont_elementary and facebook accounts and my principal instagram account @principal_kartchner.  If you don’t follow either of those, I encourage you to start following and help us promote it with our parents and community.  We’ll be posting lots of great content about our school, classrooms, staff, and the great things we have going on at Edgemont.   If I get 1200 followers on my Instagram account we’ll have a school dance party with a surprise DJ. Additionally if we get 1200 followers we’ll add a fun treat to the dance party.  Thanks for your help and support in this initiative! 

Edgemont Instagram: @edgemont_elementary

Edgemont Facebook

Principal Kartchner’s Instagram: @principal_kartchner


Dear Edgemont Families, Welcome back!  We're looking forward to a great week this week.  On Monday the U.S. Department of Education will be announcing our school's National Blue Ribbon Award. ...

Thank you so much for all the support with the Chocolate Fundraiser so far.  The kid's enthusiasm is contagious and the sales reflect their excitement.  The fundraiser will wrap up on September...

Dear Edgemont Parents, Welcome back to another great week!  This week we have several grade levels with field trips.  Please be sure you've returned your field trip permission forms to your...
