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Provo City School District

Edgemont Elementary School

Edgemont Elementary School News :

Our 6th grade S.T.E.A.M classes invite you to take a "Tour of the Solar System!" Sixth graders researched different planets and created posters to help students discover and...

Thank you for your tremendous support in raising money for our Edgemont classrooms! Today our Eagles were awarded with a lunchtime dance party for reaching $19,473.06 in donations! They had so much...

Today we are going to begin a new weekly post "Meet the Teacher Monday," featuring a teacher or faculty member at Edgemont! Meet Ms. Ang, our caring, fun and absolutely wonderful Social Worker! Her...

We invite our Edgemont students to explore the arts and express their creativity through this year's Reflections contest! Dance Choreography Film Production Literature Music...

Edgemont's library is growing a storybook pumpkin patch and we need your help! Decorate a pumpkin to look like one of your favorite book characters and bring it to school to plant in our Storybook...

Edgemont has some fun things going on in the library! One exciting activity is something that happens year long and is a district program called Provo READS. Starting in October there will be a...

THANK YOU, THANK YOU to our amazing Edgemont families!!! Our annual FundRun was a huge success!!  It was so wonderful to see our students and families come out to show their support for our...

Today the sixth graders were able to go to BYU Sports hero day! They participated in activities lead by BYU athlete athletes and other student volunteers. They learned about hard work, teamwork and...

Today our fourth, fifth and sixth grade Kindness Ambassadors attended a District Kindness Retreat at the Provo Library. They met other Kindness leaders from all the elementary schools, planned...
