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Provo City School District

Edgemont Elementary School

Extravaganza Pre-order forms are due by Friday May 3.  That’s in two weeks (slow down, Spring! Ha!) Please check your student’s backpack if you haven’t gotten your order form yet.

There’s a box in the office for drop-offs or you can follow the QR code on the order form. Or visit our PayPal website. There are more forms in the office if yours was misplaced, and a digital copy attached below.  Ordering ahead is a very good idea so you don’t have to stand in the ticket line at the event with very excited children that want to get started having fun :).  Also, this is our one big fundraiser that runs ALL programs for next year so please be as generous as you can.  If you don’t want your child to have too much access to cotton candy with big punch cards, you could consider donating as well as ordering your wristbands and punch cards. Thanks sincerely!

Pre-ordered wrist-bands, punch passes and meal tickets can be picked up between 1-2 PM at the school on May 10, or you can pick them up from Will Call on the Edgemont field starting at 4:30 PM the same day. Volunteers who sign up to help can skip the line for Will Call and come directly to the front. A sign-up sheet will be coming to your email soon. 

Contact Amy Swenson (PTA President-elect) for any questions.


Dear Edgemont Families, Welcome back!  We're looking forward to a great week this week.  On Monday the U.S. Department of Education will be announcing our school's National Blue Ribbon Award. ...

Thank you so much for all the support with the Chocolate Fundraiser so far.  The kid's enthusiasm is contagious and the sales reflect their excitement.  The fundraiser will wrap up on September...

Dear Edgemont Parents, Welcome back to another great week!  This week we have several grade levels with field trips.  Please be sure you've returned your field trip permission forms to your...
