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Provo City School District

Edgemont Elementary School

The Provo Police department asked me to reach out to parents regarding the crossing flow at the intersection of 3650 N and Canyon Rd.  Our current directive is to cross students north to south on the East side of the intersection, and east to west on the north side (as shown in image below) which follows the striped crosswalk markings.  The main reason the crossing was set up this way is because on the west side of Canyon Rd traveling southbound, there is no sidewalk between 3530 and 3460 N.  For students headed south, it is recommended they stay on the east side of Canyon Rd and cross with the guard stationed at 3450 N.  

It has been reported that a large number of students are crossing on the south and west arms of the intersection, which is opposite to the recommended safe route.  This causes concern because our guard cannot operate four crossings per location (they max at two) so we have a situation where some students are being crossed with the given safety precautions of a guard, while others are not, which of course is a major safety issue. Please review the correct procedures with your children, if they use this crosswalk area to get to school.  Thank you for your help in keeping kids safe walking to school.

Crosswalk intersection at 3650 N and Canyon Rd


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