Managing the Chaos of Online Learning
Around the country families are learning to navigate school closures and online learning. Managing classes, schedules, assignments and computer programs can be daunting and chaotic. We recently asked a parent in our district to share how she was managing. “I’m a single mother of five children,” shared Provo parent Amy McLaughlin. “I have two children enrolled in elementary school, two enrolled in high school and one enrolled in middle school.”
When asked how she keeps her schedule organized, McLaughlin stated, “At first, it was tricky. I scheduled my teenagers for early morning learning, but quickly realized they needed more time to get ready.”
“Since my younger children have shorter attention spans, putting them on the computer in the morning was the best thing. While my young kids are on the computer, my teenagers practice music. It took a while to develop a consistent schedule.”
Even though new updates and announcements are made each day, McLaughlin adjusts as needed. “It’s been important for us to be flexible and take it day by day,” she shared. “It’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Managing different websites and courses can feel daunting. That’s why I’m so grateful for teacher support!”
“The Provo City School District teachers have done a fantastic job being available and answering my questions,” she stated. “Even my daughter’s ceramics teacher scheduled a clay pick-up at school! They really go the extra mile.”
“The most difficult subject to navigate was my son’s French immersion class. Since I don’t speak French, having Madame Baraketse and Mrs. Lowe there to help was wonderful! Each morning, my son and his fellow classmates have their french lesson on Zoom. They discuss what day it is, what the weather is like and end the lesson with a French story. Mrs. Lowe then explains the assignments for the day in english. This has been especially helpful in establishing our home-learning routine!”
In closing McLaughlin stated, “I think it’s important to note that there is no perfect system and no day goes perfectly. Taking it day by day, and doing all that you can is enough.”
We appreciate all our parents who are taking the time to create a learning space for their students. The transition was challenging and applaud you for your efforts and patience!