Important Safety Reminders from Principal Kartchner
Dear Parents,
I have been very concerned about some safety issues I am seeing during drop off and pick up time at our school. I am resending out our drop off/pick up procedures again to remind everyone the correct way to pick up and drop off your children. It’s very important that everyone follows these procedures so we can keep your children safe. Please read the procedures below and see the attached map. I appreciate your help in adhering to our drop off/pick up procedures.
The drop off/pick up procedures are as follows, also check the attached map:
• There will be only two lanes in the driveway. The right lane will be drop off/pick up only. The left lane will be pull-through only
• Students can be dropped off/picked up along the sidewalk on the right hand side only. They need to exit the right side of the car. If the doors are blocked on that side, the parent needs to get out of the car, open the door, and walk their child to the sidewalk.
• The pull through lane is pull through only, no parking or drop off/pick up. Cars in the pull through lane need to be moving.
• All students need to wait on the sidewalk along the school to get picked up. No students will be allowed to wait on the sidewalk on the other side of the driveway.
• Do not drop off children in the parking lot. You will need to park and walk your child across the parking lot and to the school.
• Only cars with handicap stickers or license plate will be allowed to park in the handicap parking.
Thank you for your help with keeping all of our students safe. The safety of your children is one of our top priorities at Edgemont Elementary School!
Harmony Kartchner, Principal