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Provo City School District

Edgemont Elementary School

Thank you for your help in making our new drop off/pick up run smoothly! We are noticing the increased efficiency and safety and appreciate your cooperation. We would like to remind you of a few important school rules:

  • Please remember to drop and pick up children only along the designated pick up/drop off lane. Do not drop off or pick up children in the parking lot. Park first and then walk them to the school.
  • Edgemont Elementary’s doors will be unlocked at 8:15 am for students getting breakfast.  All other students who arrive before 8:35 am when our first bell rings, need to go out to the back playground to play until the bell rings to come inside.  There will be supervision out on the back playground from 8:15 to 8:35 am.
  • Students arriving after 8:40 am must come through the front office door and get a tardy pass before they go to class.
  • All visitors who come into the school, must sign in and get a lanyard at the front office.  Any visitors not wearing a lanyard will be walked down the front office to get a lanyard and sign in.
  • Please keep our doors closed and secure and remind everyone to come through the front office door.  Do not open locked outside doors to let people in.

Thank you for helping us keep our students and school safe!


Dear Edgemont Families, Welcome back!  We're looking forward to a great week this week.  On Monday the U.S. Department of Education will be announcing our school's National Blue Ribbon Award. ...

Thank you so much for all the support with the Chocolate Fundraiser so far.  The kid's enthusiasm is contagious and the sales reflect their excitement.  The fundraiser will wrap up on September...

Dear Edgemont Parents, Welcome back to another great week!  This week we have several grade levels with field trips.  Please be sure you've returned your field trip permission forms to your...
