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Provo City School District

Edgemont Elementary School

Last modified: September 15, 2020

Annual Plan

At Edgemont Elementary we will do the following:

  1. Hold a monthly Arts Leadership Meeting
  2. Who will lead it- Marie Mattinson
  3. 4th Thursday of every month first on . This month on March 16., April 20 and May 3 Who attends: arts specialists, every grade level represented, administration, parents, Chris Roberts. (I am a member of this committee and have been for over 8 years).
  4. Parent representation-potential for them to double as historians of art works in classrooms and with arts specialists.

Other items for consideration:

  1. Arts specialists-planning meeting with each grade level before next year to determine needs and wants
  2. Planning meeting with teachers at least bi-annually to hone in on integration of art experiences that support core curriculum, and an annual plan for each grade level.
  3. Brief (15 minutes) monthly planning with arts specialists during PLC with every grade level, in support of implementing the annual plan for each grade level.
  4. Plan projects that teachers can support in class-somewhat side by side model, with literacy, math, science.
  5. Quarterly in-service done by STEAM/Art specialists. Teach the teachers art techniques or an understanding of the fine arts core and how to add it to your core subjects at an Art In-service. Potential for utilizing time given during district PD days. Write a professional development plan for 2018-2019 and submit to Anne Marie for providing in-service during scheduled school professional development.
  6. Assemblies not during testing, add back Kinnect Dance next year
  7. Use of main hallway tack strips, glass display cases-system and expectations
  8. Student responses to art when creating and completing projects
  9. Spring Art Show in May 2018

From Deanna:

I would love to return to the tradition of having a SweetArt Night for our school. This year I had a SweetArt breakfast for all my music students to celebrate the arts in our school. Over 50 students attended.

Our spring performance for the choirs will be in March. There will be orchestra, band, recorders, ukuleles and 3 operas in May. The 6th grade chorus will also be doing a special motivational presentation for younger students. If there is a special theme or something that I can add to that, please let me know..
