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Provo City School District

Edgemont Elementary School

The Edgemont Art Show last week was a huge success! Thank you to everyone that came and to all those that worked hard to make it happen! A special thank you to our wonderful art teacher, Marie Mattinson, for doing such an amazing job with our art program.

La exposición de arte de Edgemont de la semana pasada fue un gran éxito. Gracias a todos los que vinieron y a todos los que trabajaron duro para hacerlo posible. Un agradecimiento especial a nuestra maravillosa profesora de arte, Marie Mattinson, por hacer un trabajo tan increíble con nuestro programa de arte.


Dear Parents, It’s September and that means it’s officially fall. Fall is for football, changing leaves, cooler temperatures, and our school fundraiser. Over the past several years we have done...

Dear Edgemont Families, Welcome back to a great week and I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend.  On Wednesday we have our PTA fundraiser assembly. Please watch for your child to bring...

Dear Edgemont Families, Welcome back to another great week!  We had an excellent first full week of school last week and it's good to see everyone getting back into the routine of school.  Thank...
