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Provo City School District

Edgemont Elementary School

It was so fun to celebrate our 6th graders and their wonderful time at Edgemont! We wish them all the best in 7th grade! ¡Fue muy divertido celebrar a nuestros alumnos de 6º grado y su maravilloso tiempo en Edgemont! ¡Les deseamos todo lo mejor en 7º grado!

At graduation, we got to celebrate our Hope of America winners! These students were selected for their academic achievement, behavior, citizenship, and positive influence on others.

En la graduación, ¡pudimos celebrar a nuestros ganadores de Hope of America! Estos estudiantes fueron seleccionados por sus logros académicos, su comportamiento, su civismo y su influencia positiva en los demás.

We also got to celebrate Ms. Raile’s class winning the InfiniD competition! This is HUGE accomplishment as over 500 classes participated.

También pudimos celebrar que la clase de la Sra. Raile ganó el concurso InfiniD. Este es un logro ENORME ya que participaron más de 500 clases.


Dear Parents, It’s September and that means it’s officially fall. Fall is for football, changing leaves, cooler temperatures, and our school fundraiser. Over the past several years we have done...

Dear Edgemont Families, Welcome back to a great week and I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend.  On Wednesday we have our PTA fundraiser assembly. Please watch for your child to bring...

Dear Edgemont Families, Welcome back to another great week!  We had an excellent first full week of school last week and it's good to see everyone getting back into the routine of school.  Thank...
